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Most companies today use computer programs that have been designed for business management and administration, however, there are still organizations that do not have these types of tools, some because they do not consider them necessary, others because they do not know exactly what program or system to choose and others of recent creation because they are still in the planning or consolidation process of the company.

In some cases, companies use some type of ERP Accounting Software solutions in UAE much more for obligation and fulfillment of their duties than for the advantages that the program can offer. But in this regard it is necessary and advantageous for companies that understand that choosing and using an accounting computer system does not have the sole and main purpose of complying with the tax and accounting provisions imposed by the Tax Administration System, but actually serves to enhance the administrative capabilities of the company.

Since 2019, the use of this type of tool has increased considerably, especially due to the new tax provisions that require the issuance of digital tax receipts, the filing of returns by electronic means and the need to keep accounting records. electronically.

These new provisions have forced many entities, especially small and medium-sized companies, to acquire and implement different ERP systems that help them keep and organize accounting records and comply with the requirements demanded by the SAT.

However, as mentioned, there are a considerable number of companies that, for various reasons, do not fully understand the usefulness of these programs and do not know what elements to consider when choosing one. AAA CASis a company committed to the business world and therefore offers platforms, tools and comprehensive solutions for the management and administration of the operations of all types of companies, including SMEs.

Next, we will provide a series of elements and recommendations to take into account when choosing a program or system, so that the choice is the best for the company and thus compliance with tax obligations is achieved in a timely manner. and accounting and at the same time obtain financial benefits.

First of all, it must be taken into account that there is a great diversity in solutions for the accounting and financial management of an organization, but each option has different characteristics, functions and applications that may be useful for some entities and not for others. Each system is designed in such a way that it meets the needs of a certain type of company, so they do not work with an entity that carries out activities and has different needs.

There are also ERP systems that have a high degree of functionality, since they have different and varied modules that can be activated depending on the company so that the program adapts to its needs.

Taking into account the above, it can be said that there are five main points to consider. The first is that the accounting software must be adapted to the business and activities of the company. It should be remembered that the concepts handled by a company whose business is the purchase and sale of merchandise are not the same as those of a company that offers services or that is dedicated to the production of articles, in the same way the tax regime to which they belong is different and therefore the procedures for calculations and deductions are also different.

For this reason it is necessary to have a program that is specifically designed for the activities of the company or, failing that, it is an ERP system adaptable to the circumstances.

The second point is that the program has the functions and applications required to integrate the accounting elements required by the corresponding authorities. There are some accounting records that are essential to comply with the obligations imposed by the SAT such as policies, the chart of accounts and the trial balance, not counting the tax receipts.

Having these records is essential, since they are the documents and receipts of the company's operations and are the basis on which the calculation and payment of taxes and the tax declaration are carried out, in addition to being the records used to know and analyze the accounting, fiscal and financial statement of the entity and whose results can be used for decision-making and generation of strategies.

The third important point is to verify that the program offers the option of billing operations electronically. Invoices are other important documents for any organization, as they are proof that an operation has been carried out and are the basis for accounting records.

The fourth point is to find the best balance between cost and benefit. Each company, depending on its size, characteristics and the type of project, has a different budget for each area, so the exact point must be found so that the implementation of accounting software results in a good investment. Although it is important not to fall into the trap of choosing the cheapest, since the result and the possible consequences could generate a higher cost.

The fifth point is to find a program that offers a comprehensive and up-to-date analysis of the information. In the market there are many programs that fulfill accounting functions, however, it is common for many of them to perform separate analysis of each area and require considerable time to do so.

On the other hand, there are programs that perform the functions perfectly and also offer comprehensive and real-time analysis of the company's finances and accounting software, which is very useful, since the information is much more reliable and accurate.

Finally, it is necessary to add a sixth point to consider. The programs with accounting and tax functions are currently an indispensable tool for every company and the correct choice of the program is essential to achieve the best results, but implementation is as important as the choice. It is useless to have an excellent program that adapts to the needs of the user and that offers great advantages if the implementation is not correct.

For this reason, the best recommendation that AAA CAS can give to all those companies that require a program to carry the accounting is that they go to the experts in the area, that they approach AAA CAS through the internet page to know the different options, choose the appropriate program and carry out the correct implementation in order to have an efficient system that represents an investment, helps to comply with accounting and tax obligations and maximizes the financial capabilities of the company.

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